THING 17 - Take out the Trash - I'm not kidding, this place is awesome.
Living in Greenwich, CT has many many perks, but one that is commonly overlooked is, yes, access to The Holly Hill Facility (aka. Dump). Maybe I'm getting old and boring, but this is one of my favorite locations/things-to-do in Greenwich. Seriously, the Greenwich Dump is a wonderful joyous happy-place. You can pretty much take anything there and toss it for free. Couches, beds, old exams, old tax returns, drafts to the poems you write your wife every week, clothing that doesn't fit because it's too tight large - I've tossed it all. The last time I moved I drove a U-Haul up there and started to toss out everything item by item until I realized I could drive the truck directly into the trash pit/dungeon. This place is fantastic; I unloaded the entire U-Haul in 3 minutes by pushing everything out the back.
Don't worry, I will be bringing up all the big more obviously fun location/events throughout the year, but we are also going to be diving into my favorite parts of Greenwich that are commonly overlooked. Hey, it's my blog I can do as I want...
Please please speak up if you have any comments or any events/locations that you think I should throw on my list.