It's that time of the year. Thanksgiving has to be one of my favorite holidays. You get to eat all you want and "relax" with your family. Since we are only two days away I would highly recommend going out to buy your turkey now (if you haven't done so already). As you will learn over the next year, I'm not the biggest fan of the Grocery-Store-Not-To-Be-Named ("GSNTBN") due to its ridiculous pricing and even more ridiculous parking lot. I personally shop at the Stop and Shop off the post road, west of the Greenwich Library. I believe they have great prices and a good level of variety. I'm sure I'll get into my grocery store opinions later, but for today let's talk turkey!
Butterball has my vote. They received it during the 3rd season of West Wing when I realized (along with President Bartlet) that they have a hotline (1-800-BUTTERBALL) to help people with the cooking of their Thanksgiving turkeys. I'm a sucker for marketing and incredible TV shows, so that's all it took to get my vote. Fortunately I will not be cooking the turkey this year, but if I was I would buy a Butterball and call for help.